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This is a weaving of stories
capturing an eco-cultural revolution happening now.​

Join the community
that's making this a reality...

Donations are tax-deductible.
Read more below about our fiscal sponsor, Social Good Fund.

Thank you for your support!


Why this Story is Important

People are capable of stewarding landscapes more conducive to life when we intentionally collaborate with other species, as it has been done in Indigenous traditions for centuries.  The first step in rekindling that process is sharing knowledge and an invitation for involvement. ​


This documentary offers connection to a unique environmental & social network valuable to share with people of all ages most especially at this pivotal time for our planet. It crosses emergent discoveries with historical events, confronting challenging conversations around land management, colonialism, and navigating our interspecies relationships. In recent years there has been a rise in environmental & existential anxiety globally, depression in young people, intercultural conflict, and associated health issues. Through this stress, people have been in great need of connection, belonging, and a sense of purpose with what they do. This film is an offering toward these ailments.  


In thinking like an ecosystem, we follow the practical teachings of beavers & those who live with the land to create a healthier world inside & out in the time it takes you to say “beaver taught salmon to jump”.

Production Timeline

Principle cinematography currently in progress.

Estimated project completion, Winter 2023.

About our Fiscal Sponsor...

Mission : Social Good works to create and establish positive influences for individuals, communities, and the environment. Our goal is to sponsor and develop projects that will help positively impact and develop local communities into healthier and happier places to live, work, and be.


Social Good Fund is a non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA, serving grassroot projects of its local Bay Area community. They were chosen as the fiscal sponsor for this film due to their locality and dedication to betterment though art, care for environmental, & social well-being.   


Click the logo below to see the projects the Social Good Fund is supporting, which this film is now connected to.



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